Sunday, 14 June 2009

Welsh Navy and Gold Emo in TopShop

Wrote and shuffled the cards up... drank espresso and pomegranate and orange blossom lemonade (surely only in Westfield!)
Photographed the accessories......
I have to say that the cards were meant to be a starting point but we NEVER expected such a challenge. Welsh Navy? Gold Emo?
I went for red and white.... lipstick, dress, and navy BLUE as well as military, ie Navy, style... sort of.... anyway lets not talk about the hat it just seemed right....!! And in the event my tattoos make me look like a sailor anyway...Miryam did loads better with Gold Emo and I told her to think about miserable poetry and how her Mum irons all her cheap black clothes (not in real life of course)... seemed to work fine :)
Welsh Navy; red and white dress (skirt only seen) £35 ish, stripy vest top £30, sleeveless jacket thing £20, hat £12, glittery shoes from Office
Gold Emo; Jacket £120, leggings £20? black dress....errr.. £40? New Rock boots from Camden


  1. I think that was my best outfit. Don't like the jacket, but I'd wear that dress and leggings. Statue legs!

  2. Yay for statue legs!! we can find some in pewter colour... or you could just do the statue look. Hey maybe that should be on the cards.... Covent Garden Statue- an outfit entirely one colour.

  3. I love the"Gold Emo" outfit! Am now following this blog :)

  4. Wow I'm so glad you like!! More coming soon!
