Sunday 14 June 2009

And finally.... Tweed Nurse and Baggy Victorian in H&M

Just as I knew it couldn't get harder........Baggy Victorian and Tweed Nurse!! This is the point where I picked a random shirt out in H&M and got stuck in it because it was a size 6.... uurg not good!! (Thanks Miryam for getting me out of there)
My real (repro 1970s) Victorian locket came in handy....with the cutest pic ever of Miryam doing Victorian down to a T- and me as a somehwhat tarty nurse inexplicably wearing purple peeptoe heels. Ah well! one cannot cover EVERY eventuality in the accessories department with only one rucksack.
Inevitably we fell for the charms of H&M, spot on fashion and gorgeous things at fab prices as usual..... and left with sexy laceup trousers (Miryam) and teal leopard print leggings (me) (sorry fashion police) and a pair of glittery flats apiece... mine purepl hers black (of course) which proves that no matter how much we love to shop, our individual styles shine through!!
One fab meal at the Real Greek later and here I am blogging into the night.
A fab idea well executed! *pats self and Miryam on back*

1 comment:

  1. New rule: H&M is banned from Grilla Styling. I was not meant to spend £70!!!!

    Tweed nurse I think is your best, but Baggy Victorian in H&M was too easy.

    I forgot about you getting stuck in that shirt. You're so silly.
