Saturday 18 July 2009

Totally awesome shoes.

ahhhhh. very very cheap and very very sparkly and pink. tacky? Yes. very me? yes. Score!! FInd them here.

Grill my New Look!!

Well. We went to New Look. More than a week ago. Frankly it could have gone better- simply the rain and the fact it was a week day did put us off our stride a tad. However, we did end up with some totally fun pictures. Can I just mention that even though the pics are fuzzy and dark we weren't A. in a bordello or B. drunk. it was just- well, very dark in there! I'm still a HUGE fan of New Look Holborn so yahboosucks. We got....... Flouro Greek.... and Pale Pink Mermaid. Borderline porno pictures were taken! Then we squelched home in the drizzly dark.
Inspire us to do more!!!! aaargh will be addicted to Westfield for evermore simply because the damn place has a roof!

Right now I am.....

Right this second I'm mitigating misery by buying myself (technically for my birthday AHEM) yet another wonderful Threadless Tshirt- "You are the best" by Emily Glaubinger. I say it a lot to my darling Sammy. I'm marrying him shortly..... Besides, it is green, and it is awesome. I'm going to wear it with a pencil skirt like this and I don't care if I look a. silly or b. like a fash slag. I want to. I like pencil skirts, yes? Generous lovely people at work gave me a £20 Wallis voucher... so I'm not really spending, right? hee. Pics of latest Grilla in 2 tics.

Sunday 5 July 2009


I am melting. So are my credit cards, under the weight of forthcoming nuptial excesses. Nver mind that though... just bought some fantastic pink sequinned baseball fake-converse type shoes from though, so can't be ALL bad. I will dream of wearing them like Lily Allen with flouncy dresses, but in fact probably just wear them with cutoff jeans.... Off to cut off some jeans, eat some more chocolate and plan another Grilla trip when its cooler......keep coming.....